Leveraging Employee Experience during Crisis Situation for Higher performance- Special Reference to COVID -19 pandemic

Nidhi Gupta, Kapil Pandla


When the crisis hits the organisation, it’s the positive employee experience that organisation able to manage matters the most to motivate and retain the workforce.

The world is going through an unprecedented crisis. While businesses are fighting to maintain business continuity yet managing employee experience is also equally critical during these testing times of the COVID -19 pandemic. This situation calls for creative ways to balance the employee experience amidst business constraints. During such turbulence, employees often have to deal with both work from home and work at home which includes: helping with household chores, taking care of children and demands of family members alongside work.

Employee experience plays a vital role in keeping employees happy and in the engagement of employees (Deloitte 2017).

Similarly, according to Psichogios P. (2013), the cumulative effect of employees’ experiences will ultimately affect an employee’s performance and, therefore, the results for the entire organisation, regardless of whether employees are engaged but the question arises whether the role of employee performance is same when the organisation is sailing through in the difficult times.

This study is an attempt to understand employees experience and its drivers under crisis situation among employees from the hospitality industry in India

This is a cross-sectional study where both primary and secondary data is collected. Primary data is collected from employees at all levels through a self-report questionnaire. Out of 374 respondents 287clean responses were received.


Organization behavior, management, organizational response

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