Celebrity Endorser & Attitude towards Celebrity results in Purchase Intention – A study with reference to Chennai City

S. Dinesh Kumar, V. Hemanth Kumar


The current hustle & bustle scenario in product promotion every product promoter and manufacturer are forced to promote themselves in a colossus way to attract the target audience. Though advertisements have been an imperative medium of promoting using of opulent stars in ads will fetch them the extra mileage which they anticipate. To prove this there has been a revolution of celebrity endorsements which happens in wide spectrum of products promotion. By travelling on this ideology this study aims to consider the roles of individual perception on celebrity endoser & attitude towards celebrity and also its relationship with corporate credibility and product attractivenss which yields in Purchase Intention. The study has been conducted among diverse people living in Chennai city via structured questionnaire framed with the sample of 500 and the discriptive study suggests that Purchase Intentions is influenced by celebrity endoser and attractiveness of the celebrity.


Purchase Intention; Celebrity Endorsers; Attitude towards celebrity; Product Attractivenss; Corporate Credibility

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