Kamna Abohari


The minute division of labour and the
mechanical and simple methods of performing
an operation have made both possible and
profitable utilization of child labour in the
modern productive system. .Children are future
citizens of the nation and their adequate
development is utmost priority of the country.
Recognizing the importance of educating the
future citizens and empowering them with their
fundamental rights, the Government of India
enacted the Child Labour (Prohibition &
Regulation) Act, 1986 to prohibit engagement of
children in certain employments and to
regulate the conditions of work of children in
certain other employments (MoLE, GoI, 2012).
Government of India, with the enactment of
Right to free and compulsory education act,
passed the resolution to completely ban child
labour for the children aged between 6 – 14
years by making necessary amendment in the
Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act,
1986 (The Times of India, 2012). Hyderabad is
one of the fastest growing cities in India today.
However, as in most of the Indian cities, child
labor remains a challenge for the city
administrators as much as for the voluntary
agencies working for the protection and
rehabilitation of children. The present aims to
analyze the present situation of child labour in
Hyderabad city of Andhra Pradesh, India
which is fast increasing its urban
agglomeration resulting in migration from
different parts of the state and country for
education, employment, better living
conditions, etc.

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