Leaders’ Impact on Team Members Lacking Reasoning Skills for Creating Logical Working Environment

Pushpender Singh


Reasoning skills of the workforce are definitely factors in the performance of the modern competitive market. Without them, a team performs badly and seldom makes effective decisions. This paper discusses how business leaders can help address and enhance their teams' reasoning skills. Business leaders create a logical work environment and promote the cognitive skills of their teams to achieve improved outputs. The article presents ways in which leadership can be used deliberately to enhance reasoning. Supported by the scientific literature, this finding indicates that a leader can guide his co-workers to think better through giving advice and engaging them in critical thinking, which resulted in efficient and effective organizations. It provides an overall analysis of leadership techniques adopted and implemented in the leaders' site study area, along with their influence on the reasoning power of employees, for the benefits of business leaders.


Team Dynamics, Problem-Solving, Leadership Development, Cognitive Skills

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