Understanding the Perplexity of “Tabula Rasa” on Structural Changes in Haiti

Oris Guillaume, Christophe Providence


The aim of this qualitative study was to understand the perplexity of “Tabula rasa” on structural changes in Haiti. Tabula rasa thus implies that individual human beings are born “blank” (with no built-in mental content) and that their identity is defined entirely by their experiences and sensory perceptions of the outside world. In general terms, the contention that we start life literally “from scratch” can be said to imply a one-sided emphasis on empiricism over idealism. This study uses the theory of Lockean and the model of Leontief’s model of 1968. This study revealed that tabula rasa has been used with an emotional view for years in Haiti with no success. We maintain in this paper that the change of the system of Territorial Planning (Tabula Rasa technique), long-awaited by the Haitian population, requires new mechanisms of financing of public actions. The logic of budget allocation in relation to established priorities requires clearly defined budgetary principles to promote the imbrications territorial. We conclude by suggesting that the concept of organizational fields may be useful in understanding the structural change in Haiti because it has been forever a political playground of “no substance—a tabula rasa.”


Tabula rasa, Social Changes, Haiti, System, Governance, Collectivity Territorial

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