Political imprints on business scalability and planning

Amanda Jermy


The business community like other communities also depends on the general state of affairs of any state. The state is governed by the administration of political bodies. Thus, political environment directly affects the business policies and the execution thereof as far as the scalability and development of the business set up is concerned. Political environment like other segments of the business environment has its own considerations for the business leaders and planners. What would be the acceptability level of the intended products and services, this all depends on the general interference of the political inputs for the business community. Through this paper, it has been intended to put light on the political interferences in the business planning process across political structures and regimes. How a political set is critical for the performance or scope of the business process in a given geography. The geo-coverage of the paper should be taken as general as no specific reference is made to any political structure of any particular state.


Political environment; Business environment; Business planning; Business strategy; Business effectiveness and performance

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