Exploring Non-Banking Sources of Business Finance for Small Businesses: Pros, Cons, and Scholarly Insights

Satish Kumar


Financing is the foundation of any business, including small businesses, helping innovation, operational growth, and market differentiation while promoting business sustainability. Traditional banking has long been the primary source of funds for businesses, but small enterprises often face challenges like cumbersome eligibility requirements, insufficient collateral, or assets. All this has led to alternative financing methods like crowdfunding, peer-to-peer lending, trade credit, and venture capital. This study examines the benefits and drawbacks of these non-banking financing options, especially for small businesses, studying their potential availability to address the financial gaps small businesses face. By analyzing some of the academic theories and works, this study highlights how these alternatives of non-banking finance can promote financial inclusion and support entrepreneurial growth. This paper also analyzes the risks and other practical issues coming with the non-banking financing, including regulatory complexities, high-interest rates, and lack of financial diversity. Studying the existing literature and real-world implications of these sources, this study suggests a balanced perspective on how non-banking financial tools can complement or replace traditional sources of business finance, and what are the actionable takeaways for policymakers, lenders, and entrepreneurs.


Non-banking financing, Small businesses, Financial performance, Entrepreneurship, Finance

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