Quantitative Analysis and Evaluation of Economic Factors That Lead Professionals to Commit Fraud: A Cross-Regional Study from Baku and Izmir

Laman Guliyeva, Turker Susmus


In order to ensure the correct economic order, it is important that the data and information produced are accurate and complete. In order to ensure this order, the information used in accounting should be accurately reflected to the owners and employees of the enterprises, the persons / organizations that invest and lend to the enterprise and the public. However, in some cases, accounting information is reflected incorrectly to users due to intentional and in some cases unintentional errors. The factors that lead employees to fraud can be classified under 3 headings: finding a suitable target, lack of control, and having employees who are inclined to fraud. In particular, errors and fraud in financial statements have undermined the trust in the accounting profession, reduced transparency, misled those concerned with the business and caused erroneous decisions, and most importantly, caused accounting scandals by creating an obstacle to economic development. In recent years, many practices have been introduced to prevent accounting scandals that have emerged in the world. As in the whole world, accounting frauds are encountered in Azerbaijan and Turkey, and many sanctions and practices are made to prevent them.


Error, Fraud, Corruption, Fraud Triangle, Fraud Pentagon, Economic factors

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